Noise Reducing Technology
Acquire raw intracardiac signal information without distortion and view cardiac signals in their pure, original format.
PURE EP™ reveals unprecedented levels of signal clarity, providing advanced visualization of critical physiologic information for intracardiac signals — even the most complex.
PURE EP™’s Algorithmic Noth (AN) can eliminate environmental noise without harmonic ringing. Conventional classic notch (CN) creates artifact and signal attenuation, introducing false and misleading physiologic fractionation.
Acquire raw intracardiac signal information without distortion and view cardiac signals in their pure, original format.
Dynamic analysis allows for full-spectrum signal evaluation while highlighting and retaining a new level of signal specificity.
Detect the smallest signals without the need to gain switch, for clearer and more accurate visualization of both small and large signals.
Finally gain access to reliable unipolar data, with a cutting-edge signal pathway that emulates bipolar data acquisition.
A large frequency bandwidth preserves intracardiac signals within the cardiac window.
Reduction in RF time, from the 24 seconds required to achieve the ablation index (AI) target, down to 8 seconds with the unique PURE EP™ unipolar signal capabilities.2
Demonstrated improvement in case efficiency with optimized focal and linear RF workflows when using PURE EP™ during unipolar guided lesion assessment.2,3,4
Delivering configurable features, unique algorithms and signal hygiene applications, PURE EP™ offers the freedom to explore relevant signal data for highly tailored, efficient procedures.
By focusing on signals above 200Hz, the High Frequency Algorithm (HFA) adds visibility to cardiac frequency data and dynamically eliminates RF frequencies to retain clear focus on the signals targeted for ablation.
HFA demonstrated 100% specificity of near field potentials with peak-to-peak voltages of <0.1mV.5
5. Ahmed A, et al. (2023, March). ROLE OF HIGH FREQUENCY ALGORITHM OF PURE EP FOR LOW AMPLITUDE SIGNAL DETECTION DURING CARDIAC ABLATION. Journal of American Cardiology. (8_Supplement) 184. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0735-1097(23)00628-9.
Subtle changes in complex tachycardias can be difficult to detect with the naked eye. Automatic Tachycardia Characterization (ATC) swiftly monitors tachycardia rates and conduction patterns in real-time, alerting changes that may warrant further evaluation.
Without ATC Activated
ATC Activated
Near Field Tracking (NFT) lets you track the reduction in the negative component of a unipolar intracardiac signal during ablation. Presenting a visual indication, NFT offers an automated queue when the loss of the negative component has been identified after three consecutive beats.
PURE EP™ completes the infrastructure of the EP lab, integrating with existing technologies to streamline clinical workflows. Explore cases, presentations, and papers for firsthand physician accounts.
Explore physician insightsWith a comprehensive suite of software features, PURE EP™ delivers unprecedented intracardiac signal purity and keeps physicians connected to the latest innovations as they emerge, with flexibility to add enhancements as desired. Learn more about how PURE EP™ can enhance arrhythmia identification and EP lab workflow.