Track Tachycardia Changes Automatically

Track Tachycardia Changes Automatically

Subtle changes in complex tachycardias can be difficult to detect with the naked eye. Real-time monitoring and alerts of tachycardia changes allows for efficient evaluation.

Optimize Clinical Workflows With 
Automatic Tachycardia Characterization (ATC) 

ATC swiftly monitors tachycardia rates and conduction patterns, based on customizable criteria. As arrhythmia changes occur, ATC automatically presents a visual cue, offering enhanced insight into tachycardias that might require closer examination.

Without ATC Activated

Without ATC Activated

ATC Activated

ATC Activated

ATC Delivers Immediate Notification of Changes in Tachycardia Heart Rate Cycle Length

Available with most subscription levels

ATC Delivers Immediate Notification of Changes 
in Tachycardia Cycle Length Pattern

Available with most subscription levels

Combine Heart Rate Cycle Length and Pattern Monitoring for Enhanced Visualization of Tachycardias

Available with most subscription levels